Garden of the Heart, a reflection on the day

By | 26th September 2022

The chapel at the Living Well.

Artist Karen Bourne displayed her own inspirational work as she led a Quiet Day at The Living Well entitled ‘Garden of the Heart’. Guests considered their inner garden and spiritual seasons and produced Haiku poetry and images as they explored their way through the day. Karen has kindly loaned a piece of her work entitled Norfolk Dawn for us to enjoy – the Haiku secretly hidden reads

Golden Green Stillness.
Lambent in the dawn’s cool air.

Come and see if you can find the calligraphy whilst the painting is in our chapel over the winter months.
Haiku is a simple form of Japanese poetry using a 5,7,5 pattern of syllables.
Here is my first attempt:

Go quietly My friend.
Into Autumn and Winter.
For with Me no end.

May God bless our winter months.
