What we do

Daily Retreats

Our huts, Trinity on the left and Julian on the right, scroll down to see our other huts.

The house can be used by those who wish to make a day’s retreat on their own. A tray of tea and coffee will be provided in an individual room.  Our heated huts within the grounds may also be booked for quiet reflection time.

It is also possible for parish groups to use the house for a Quiet Day or for a Healing Day. It may be possible for a Living Well team member to facilitate/lead a day if it is appropriate or for the group to make their own arrangements.

The suggested daily costs per person are:
Whole Day, Self-facilitated – £20
Whole Day, Facilitated – £28
Half Day, Self-facilitated – £10
Half Day, Facilitated – £15

Here is the typical shape of a facilitated Quiet Day:
10.00 am
Arrival, welcome and coffee
10.30 am 
Introduction to the day, followed by first talk and personal reflection time
12.30 am    
1.15 pm
Worship, followed by second talk and personal reflection time
3.15 pm
Closing worship
3.30 pm 

The Hut (for 1 person)


Outside Events

Healing Days are offered in ‘Hubs’ around the Diocese so that people can attend locally. These themed days offer opportunity for worship, learning, discussion and personal prayer.  Please contact us to find more about these.

We lead an annual St Lukestide Service of Healing and Blessing in Canterbury Cathedral. Our 2024 service will take place on Saturday 12th October at 2.30pm and we offer prayer the laying on of hands and anointing during this service.

Teams from The Living Well offer prayer ministry at Diocesan Events, Synods etc.
We are very happy to be invited to your local parish in some capacity if you would like to know more about our ministry, or to receive some encouraging input, preaching from us. It is a joy to serve with Jesus as our guide, to reach out in prayer to God, and see the Holy Spirit at work among us.


Professional counselling available for clergy and lay ministers through the Diocesan Counselling Team, contact details here.

More information on spirituality and discipleship can be found on the Diocese of Canterbury

Christian Healing

Healing can be direct and immediate, what we might refer to as miraculous, but more often it is slow, and comes with considerable personal struggle.
When ministering to someone for healing, it can be our words, our invited touch (the laying on of hands & anointing), our presence, or all three, that can make someone feel better or help them to feel more positively about their own recovery; or at peace with acceptance if their illness is terminal. It is about being alongside, listening, praying, and comforting, sharing gently and appropriately with them the love and compassion of Jesus’ Spirit and His healing presence. It is about acknowledging the crucial role played by the medical professionals; working in partnership with them and other therapeutic bodies to ensure that care is provided for the whole person: mind, body, spirit, and soul.
Healing may help to restore a person’s sense of intrinsic value and belovedness, sometimes in the context of previously unreceived forgiveness and reconciliation with God – salvation itself.
The Living Well is a place where all will receive a warm welcome, those with faith, little faith or none, where they can find love, care and peace in a non-threatening non-judgemental environment. Demonstrated in part by the warmth and quiet of the house, garden cabins and upper room, the simplicity of the garden and the beautiful views beyond, and the hospitality provided by the staff & volunteers who work together with dedication to share the love of God with all who come through the door. It provides an oasis in the frenetic pace of life, and is hope and grace filled, offering time and space for all to be loved and cared for in the precious and powerful name of Jesus.


  • Guidance for pastoral prayer in parishes.
  • Courses at the Living Well such as ‘Christ’s Healing Ministry’ or ‘Navigating the Wounds of Trauma’.
  • Outreach days across the Canterbury Diocese.