Praying the labyrinth

By | 19th June 2024

The labyrinth and the Cautley House Rose Garden

A labyrinth is different to a maze – there are no dead ends or misleading paths. A labyrinth has one path which as long as you ‘stick to the path’ will lead you to the centre – albeit the journey may take you in unexpected directions as you prayerfully walk it. Sometimes it will seem that you are heading directly to the centre and then the path will swing you to the outer reaches and you realise you still have a way to go….

The Labyrinth at The Living Well embedded in the lawn enables guests to bring their prayers to God as they circle, weave and travel to the centre, to cease in the middle and then upon their slow return to listen for God’s murmurings and utterance in themselves or externally.

The Labyrinth is a tool to help us slow down, unwind, pray and listen and can be used in a variety of ways but this very simple method: pray, cease praying, listen might be all that is needed to help you…come and use it this summer or winter, come and pray, you are welcome.

Thank you from us to a dear guest who has recently contributed some extra gravel to refresh and mark out the pathway – thank you – you are helping others in their faith journey.

Jesus said I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. John 14:6
