It is with real joy that we celebrate with Helen Jones in her chaplaincy ministry amongst us as Bishop Rose commissioned her to serve with The Living Well on November 7th. Bishop Rose who is also our patron at the Living Well led us into the Prodigal Son story, reminding us that the watching and waiting father (God see Luke 15;11-32) did not tell us what to do or how to live, nor chastise us with a wagging or pointing finger – rather he looked, hoped, waited for the son’s return and met him with grace, love and mercy….this is the image of God from which the Church serves best.
Some of Helen’s family were able to join us for the commissioning service and lunch and the whole Core Team were blessed by Bishop Rose in our calling together: serving the Lord, praying for healing and in our ministry and mission for the future.
Helen has been a real asset to the team since day one; starting in January, Helen has become adept at various aspects of her role, from meeting and greeting to leading and preaching to praying and deeply caring, and has written some incredible meditations on gospel passages. As Helen explores all that she is called to, we give thanks for her creative gifts and cheerful humour amongst us, and pray that God will lead her in the weeks and months ahead, delighting in her presence and assistance in honouring and sharing the love of Christ.