Dear All,
The events of the first Easter bring us to inner places of shock, grief and loss as betrayal, capture, torture and crucifixion – death take place. Our Lord Jesus, beloved, brother, teacher and friend harmed by the very world He comes to save.
The events of the first Easter bring us to inner places of hope, and jubilation mixed with incredulity as we grapple with the resurrection – the gentle gardener and the life everlasting.
Our emotions are present and engaged as we read of our ‘good guy’ treated badly and without reason but then overcoming and winning in the end…. a story line that is followed throughout all good drama…. but this is The Drama, The Story.
Even year by year as the church recalls these events there are new ways in which they speak to us. The Spirit of God speaks to our current situation, to our lives, the contents of which are forever changing as the Spirit moves us onward.
Seasons of grief and trauma can be protracted but eventually hope and joy will return. Seasons of good fortune and success do not always stay so fruitful – we know this, we experience this, we must live with this.
My desire in writing is that whichever part of the Easter story is speaking to you the most in this season of life you are in – that you will stay with it, for it is yours for the time being.
Do not sidestep inner weeping, grief and sorrow, suffering has quiet truths to share; do not miss the subtle changes that lead to release and joy that happen in the entombed ‘out of access’ and darkened recesses of our lives, new growth is such a privilege to perceive; do not take success and liberation for granted lest you leave your compassion for others behind in your own advancement.
Love God, love each other, love yourself – we only truly journey together, and our Highs and our Lows matter to God.
We look forward to a short break over Easter and we will be back with Thursday morning worship with healing prayer available on Thursday April 28th at 10.30am
Every blessing of Easter,
Lorraine and The Living Well Team