Farewell dear friends, cheerio, God bless!

By | 24th March 2025

Many of you may have already picked up that change is afoot at The Living Well (TLW).
I am finishing in my role as Lead Chaplain at the end of June this year.

I joined The Living Well as assistant chaplain in October 2017 licensed by Bishop Trevor Willmott. In July of 2019 I was licensed afresh as lead chaplain by Bishop Tim Thornton of Southwark Diocese (Canterbury was awaiting our new Bishop Rose Hudson- Wilkin who would arrive in November 2019 and become our Patron at TLW ) – we used Nonington church on that glorious day as we all celebrated. I recall the first thing I did (gracefully of course) was fall down the back doorstep carrying a tray of tea! I have been wary of that step ever since! It reminds me that the first thing that happened to me after my ordination and celebration in 2010 was that in my bright new shiny dog collar the chain fell off my bike and I was destined to get filthy oily hands to sort it out on my return home! In November 2023 I was awarded honorary canon to the Cathedral – I believe for the ministry of The Living Well (as a whole, all those associated) within the diocese. No accident ensued on this occasion but the message is clear to me – never get ideas above your station, or as St Paul puts it: do not think of yourself more highly that you ought (Romans 12:3).

To hold a ministry post within The Living Well has been a true honour and whilst many of the challenges have been bigger than my ability, always, we have seen the hand of God amongst us. Jesus’ presence has been made known in the breaking of bread and by the work of His Spirit; either entirely without us or graciously gifted through one of us. ‘Surely the Lord is in this place’ and we did not always know it! (Gen 28:16).
The gifted and graced colleagues, friends, I have worked alongside have been such a strength and a joy. Hilary, Ray, Helen, Annelise, Martin as Core Team, then George as Chair, Julian as Treasurer and all the current Trustees – Paul, Peter, Estella, Sally, plus all those who have served before them. All those who serve on Wider Team and hospitality, who pray in the background for our team and events and for those specifically on our prayer chain and those who give financially.
This is an extraordinary number of people who are supporting us so that we can collectively imbibe and share with guests the love of God – who is risen with healing in His wings (Malachi 4:1). It is a work and miracle of God that so many people are linked, supportive and prayerful with us.
Prayer for the ministry, the place, the team, trustees and the guests will I am sure continue to arise from my inner being when I am ‘retired’. You will not be forgotten! I suspect there is another chapter or two to complete yet for all of us.

I hope that as a new chaplain arrives the welcome they receive is as beautiful as the welcome I have enjoyed over the years at TLW; a spiritual and physical welcome into Christ himself.
But greatest of all is love (1 Cor 13:13). God so loved the world that He gave His only Son Jesus Christ to save us (John3:16)….love, for-given-ess in Christ Jesus, He is before all things and in Him all things hold together. (Col 1:17)

Thank you for sharing your lives in whatever way we may have come into contact – what joy it shall be when we are all safely gathered in and realise finally how much we belong to each other and to our God who is eternally with us.

With love, thoughts and prayers, Lorraine A – H