Buzz, Buzz, Buzzzz…….There is a real buzz around at present: the buzz of nature, growing, producing, multiplying.
The buzz of wellbeing, both for those who are feeling renewed and liberated and for those who are in keen search of it, and really need it.
The buzz of ‘what next?’ in history, socially, spiritually and emotionally as we all grapple to read the signs around us.
At the Living Well we have a new cabin called Kairos. Kairos is a Greek word for an opportune or significant moment in time; differing from chronos which is the word for the ensuing measured time that our clocks, weeks, months and years calculate. Kairos moments may be described as life changing or sea changing moments, pivotal moments, aha! moments. For the Christian they are significant times when the inbreaking of God has brought about fresh or new revelation…new purpose perhaps.
Our cabin Kairos has a magnificent picture window with a view across the fields of Nonington, and like the open view we pray that many who use it for retreat will benefit from a broadened vision for their lives.
Cabins Trinity, Julian and The Hut have had new carpets and been painted – there is heating, guest wifi, coffee and tea and fleeces. All are lovingly and prayerfully cared for and available for use.
Earlier this year Trustees applied for and received a grant from The Dorothy Kerin Trust (originally the hospital & respite charity at Burrswood) who are assisting us this year and we are so thankful for their encouragement and support helping us with some of the above and more.
Prayer: What is this buzz Lord?
If it is new life and the hum of vibrant activity teach me to tune into it.
If it is the buzz or cacophony of background, noise or dissatisfied distress help me to hear your whispering call of love through the curtain of mayhem.
Call me Lord towards the sounds of heaven, the vibration of your magnificence, the contemplation of your goodness….until all else falls into silent harmony. Amen.
Every blessing for the summer ahead in His love to one and all,