Welcome to The Living Well

God's desire

Our door is open to you all, those expressing faith, those of none and those not sure…
We hope you will encounter life bringing space to help you retreat from daily busy-ness; to rest, reflect and be restored in our prayerful and tranquil rural location at Nonington.
Our chaplaincy alongside other suitable trained, safe, volunteers offer (if requested) supportive listening for those who need to talk and healing prayer for those who are unwell in body, mind or spirit.
Our emphasis is upon the work of the Holy Spirit of God gently bringing release, forgiveness, grace, comfort and blessing – healing and wholeness in Jesus Christ. A definition of Christian Healing is available here.
We work with the clear understanding that health and healing are also brought to us through a variety of ways – medical, social and therapeutic care as well as Christian community and prayer.

At Nonington we are able to offer individual day retreats, supportive listening and healing prayer appointments, themed quiet days alongside others, small bespoke group work & facilities, and regular worship with healing prayer available.

As the Canterbury Diocesan Centre for Healing and Wholeness we help church families to strengthen or begin healing prayer ministry and offer themed Development & Training Days to various parish locations.

Our Programme for 2024 can be downloaded as a pdf here.

Our programme for 2025 can be downloaded as a pdf here.

As Chaplain I am part of the Core Team, (you can see our photos below). I am really blessed to work with such gifted and generous people whose hospitality extends to more than just a cup of coffee when you arrive!

Please do contact us by email or phone if you require detail than cannot be found on our website links, programme and booking facility Eventbrite.

Grace, mercy and peace from God our Father
and the Lord Jesus Christ be with you,


Rev Lorraine Apps – Huggins, Lead Chaplain Bishops Advisor in Healing & Wholeness

Supported in 2024 by …Burrswood Health and Wellbeing

Click here for a short film of the garden